Saturday, February 5, 2011

belajar tanpa nota,belajar tanpa buku,belajar tanpa ikot silibus..

okeyh!..aku nak citer tentang study aku kat sini..memang berbeza dengan Malaysia,excatly UUM..hihi.
dengan adanya nota,adanya buku rujukan ley beli kat Varsity Mall..hehe.dengan dalam kelas lect boleh tayang slide,tunjuk apa yang mahu ajar.dengan kelas yang senyap tanpa suara,nak tanya segan.hehe..
kalo ada yang bertanya mengeluarkan idea..mesti sumenya cam orang tengok.lebih2 lagi kalo kuliah yang besar,nak tanya mesti segan kan?..

berbalik pada study kat sini..100% berbeza!..mostly different!,sometime im blur...hihi
it is because,in class,our lect not use slide..she just discuss,discuss then,student give any idea topic.
without use books for i can face it!?,discuss together in class,raise up hand to ask without shy.lect teach full spirit with her louder,student not feel sleepy..~haha! class now,im cant sleep anymore..haha.

for homework..i give one example..she only give "patero principle".this tpic not have n silybus
so,when i come back,i need to search this topic from internet.then,next class,she discuss,ask many question what are we already know about it..if she give silybus for any subject,she not use anymore..haha
aduh!..boleh naek hairan aku..

if come late,cant to be enter anymore..jangan mimpi la!..hihi.if one minutes late..oh!. must be make me be more discipline girl..haha..wake up early ..haha..not be like at UUM last semester i do ..haha

hoho..i feel strange with a new surrounding in class.but,i must face it.because
it all for my study.that why i came here for get knowledge,to get something new for my experience,right?haha.

dats all..xtaw nape tetibe entry ni speaking lak~~haha!.
sorry for grammar mistake!..ngee..~~

-Terima Kasih Sudi Baca,Diharap Coretan Ini Bermanfaat Untuk Kita Semua-

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